zaterdag 11 augustus 2007

The Teacher-Scholar model in online higher education

Sarah Stebbins


the division of labor model

Cost effective
Any instructor can use it

Teacher-Scholar model

The model is course centric, content centered and faculty centered
The teacher has the freedom to design his model.
The teacher owns his course.
The one who designs the course is also the one who teaches the course.
Not cost effective.
Use simple tools
Invest in the teachers who are good in their field.

Example 1: Course The problem of Evil

Dropbox instead of a discussion board

The student has to write an in depth comment on a paper personally only accessible for teacher and students.

Each week had a different theme and philosopher
In the course was a blog in which the students had to present a paper and bring up discussion questions.

Example 2: Great Migrations

Personal style
Papers made personally.
Bring the materials to the level of ordinary life.
Visual aids

Students feel free to bring in to bring in their own ideas.

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