zaterdag 11 augustus 2007

My Generation, Your Generation: We're All in this Together


Dr. Mark David Milliron

Dr. Mark David Millironis the Suanne Davis Roueche Endowed Fellow, Senior Lecturer, & DirectorNational Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) College of EducationUniversity of Texas at Austin. He was the keynote speaker of the conferencence.


The mix of millennials, gen-x'ers, baby boomers, and moes make the provision of modern educaton a complex process. Mobile devices , siulations and educational games, scial networking, and analytics bring new and challenging learning environments to distance education.

With each generation, instructors have faced the blending past educational research and best practice with current learner needs and future employer demands. Bet the process and pace at which we construct the new generation of learning is different today. Past instructors have faced the blendng process once, perhaps twice, in their careers. Now learners and employers are more directly involved in defining learning goals and strategies to success full achieve these. Thus, instructors are faced with continual blending of past, present, and future.

key isues:

Blended learning (Online and Face to Face)
The teacher is in both cases most important
Gaming is the future form of education
Interaction and Social communication


Oer Commons
Admission Kettering university
Face book
My space

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