The presenters were:
Deb Antoine, Instructional Designer/Web Developer
Emily Welch, Instructional Designer/Web Developer
Ray Schroeder, Professor Emeritus/Director of OTEL
University of Illinois at Springfield
It was a full-day workshop for faculty, instructional technologists, designers, and others interested in Web 2.0, showcasing innovative uses of technology and innovative approaches to pedagogy in distance teaching and learning. We will focus on identifying principles of good practice in the application of these technologies. Hands-on work with the Web 2.0 applications will be emphasized. This session will be highly interactive. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of a variety of new and emerging technologies and their application to the online learning environment.
Some interesting introductions of you tube:
The Web Is Us/ing Us!
Web 2.0 Big App on Campus!
Did You know?
Tim Berners-Lee on Web 3.0 (the Semantic Web)
Originated in a conference between O'Reilly Publishers and MediaLive International, the term was coined in 2004 to described a whole new class of interactive applications that emerged after the dot-com bubble burst in 2001.
Important tools
What is RSS?RSS stands for really simple syndication (or rich site summary). It is the tool that enables instant sharing, notification and syndication of new and / or updated materials.
Blogs - Blogger
Web Logs or "blogs" are web pages that are generated with software that commonly puts postings in reverse chronological order. One common software program to create blogs is - owned by Google. (a new blog is created every half second)
- Sample application:
Journal blog - to collect and present student journal entries
Filter blog - to post a collection of items such as news stories, or as in this case, technologies
- Online Learning Update
- Google Search for Online Learning
- Blog Search at Google
- Sample Aggregation into Web Pages
Yahoo! lists a plethora of RSS Aggregators, but increasingly they are built into browsers and other regular software.
- Internet Explorer 7
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari
Sample applications:
- In classes with current events applications, students may gather relevant news reports and post comments, etc.
- Faculty members may track new and emerging developments in their discipline.
Google Reader
Online Polling -
Create your own polls using text, images, audio, and/or video. Polls are useful for giving your students another avenue to engage in your course.
- Organize group work by having students vote on topics or meeting times
- Discover student interests on course topics (What would they like to explore further?)
- Rate presentations
- Mimic Gallop or other polls covered on the news
- automatically creates a hyperlink and the code for embed polls in your blog, course site, Web site, or MySpace page.
Doodle, another online polling site, is designed specifically to assist in scheduling meeting times.
As of July 27, 2007, Blogger has an integrated polling feature that allows you to add a poll to the side bar of your blog. Free Polls
Interactive Online Maps - Frappr! Maps
Frappr! Maps allow you and your students a unique (and simple) method to visualize one another. Anyone can add their name, photo and message directly on a Web page, blog, or course site embedded with Frappr!--no account creation is required. As the owner, you can find information on where and how frequently your students visit the map.In online learning, Frappr! Maps could be used for:
- Icebreaker - have your students enter their locations, pictures, and short introduction to help them get to know one another.
- Use the map to create a visualization of your course material. Even better, have your students work collaboratively to create this learning resource for the class!
--> Have your students build a map of the works or theories they are studying. Load book covers, works of art, pictures, event names, significant dates.
--> Use the map to mark the locations of specific battles, peace treaties, etc. You could load photos of the individuals involved and enter specific dates or names.
According to, they are "the fourth largest map service behind Mapquest, Yahoo! Maps and Google Maps".
Wiki - PBwiki
One of the most versatile Web 2.0 applications is the Wiki.
- Type of web site
- Multiple people can easily add, remove, or edit the content
- Uses versioning to track changes
- Some require registration or a password for editing
- Editing can be done through simplified HTML markup language or a WYSIWYG editor
- Nice list of educational uses of wikis is hosted by Wikispaces
- Largest and best-known wiki is Wikipedia
- An edited and reviewed version of Wikipedia is emerging at Citizendium
Wiki uses:
- Collaborate with colleagues on professional projects
- Group projects, essays and reports
- Space for free writing or journaling
- Share resources – web sites, annotated bibliographies, models for assignments
- Create a compendium of terms and concepts for the course to use as a study guide
PBwiki is representative of many wiki sites - offering free hosting for educational uses. It includes several templates: classroom, syllabus, and group project. PBwiki also offers ideas for instructional uses of wikis, as well as "how-to" videos for your students. In addition to basic wiki features, you can add widgets for spreadsheets and calendars, videos, and voice chat.
Try it out at our Web 2.0 Sampler Blog:
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) - Skype
Skype. This one of several Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) software programs that enables high quality audio computer-to-computer over the Internet.
- Students may conference using Skype. One interesting feature is Skype-out that enables long distance calls to traditional phone numbers in many countries at a rate of less than three cents a minute.
- Using utilities such as powergramo, one may record conversations such as interviews over Skype for playback in classes.
-->Just open powergramo and Skype simultaneously. Make a call in Skype and powergramo automatically records the call! - With the Firefox Skype extension, phone numbers on Web sites turn into buttons which you can click to call from Skype.
Synchronous communication through web conferencing is a powerful tool for distance teaching and learning. It can be used many ways:
- Electronic office hours
- Planning sessions
- Discussion sessions
Shared whiteboard, typed chat room, and other features add value to this free Web 2.0 application.
Virtual Worlds
There are more than three dozen virtual worlds that are in used in educational applications. Best known for Education is
Google provides a wide range of online Web 2.0 applications.
- Google Docs is a suite of applications that provide shared word processing, spreadsheet, and (soon) presentations (ppt-like).-->Export to PDF, import documents
- Google Calendar provides a great shared calendaring application.-->Upload calendar events in the iCal or .csv format (Add > Import Calendar)-->View one, two, or more calendars at a time
- Google Page Creator offers WYSIWYG editing to an instantly-hosted web site
- Google Scholar is a great way to search for peer-reviewed publications.
Zoho provides a great suite of applications from word processing to projects and many more. Most are available at no charge.
- Zoho Writer
- Zoho Sheet
- Zoho Meeting
- Zoho Notebook
- Zoho Planner
- Zoho Creator - online forms linked to online databases
- Zoho Chat
A helpful application is to store information online behind password protection.
- Handouts for students - a virtual electronic reserve
- Shared documents in progress
A different approach to displaying metasearches. Kartoo draws links among sites and provides a dynamic graphical display.
- Podomatic provides free online creation and hosting of up to 250 MB.
- The Freesound Project
Part of Creative Commons allows use of sounds for podcasting for education. - Tool Factory Podcasting provides a great $99 "enhanced" podcasting tool for windows.
- Profcast is a $60 tool for Mac OS-X.
- How To Create a Podcast for Your Online Course
Photo sharing online is a great way to distribute examples of artwork and geographic locations.
Shared Bookmarks -
A great tool for sharing lists of web sites. For example, see this List of Top 100 Tools for Learning!
- Keep track of bookmarks for yourself
- Create lists of relevant links for your students (and share them!)
- See what other people are bookmarking uses folksonomy, or tagging, for tracking, grouping, and searching bookmarks. Folksonomy is a user-generated taxonomy used to categorize and retrieve Web pages, photographs, Web links and other web content using open ended labels called tags. It improves searches by allowing users to label information with their own language.
Electronic Portfolios (e-portfolios)
According to Wikipedia:"An electronic portfolio, also known as an e-portfolio or digital portfolio, is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, i mages, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user's abilities and platforms for self-expression, and, if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time. Some e-portfolio applications permit varying degrees of audience access, so the same portfolio might be used for multiple purposes."
Here are additional readings and related resources that may be useful:
- Web 2.0: A New Wave for Teaching and Learning (EDUCAUSE)
- Top 100 Webware Web 2.0 Sites in 2007 (CNet)
- Librarians Get a Tutorial in Web 2.0 (Chronicle of Higher Ed)
- Learning 2.0: 23 Learning 2.0 things Tutorial (PLCMC)
- Web 2.0 in Higher Education Slideshare
- Web 2.0 for Designers (Digital Web Magazine)
- Web 2.0 Workgroup - 14 blogs about Web 2.0 topics
- All Things Web 2.0 - Open List
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